Does Apple Watch Work With Android? Top Full Answer [2022]

There are many answers to the question: does apple watch work with Android, including the ability to track fitness goals, receive notifications, and stay connected with friends and family. Although the Apple Watch is designed to work primarily with Apple products, it is also compatible with Android devices. 

Set Up a Cellular Apple Watch With iPhone

It would help if you used the Apple Watch as a solo wristwatch since it is not compatible with Android.

You must first purchase the wearable’s cellular version; otherwise, you will be severely limiting the wearable’s capabilities. Afterward, you’ll need an iPhone to set up your new Apple Watch. Android phones and iPads can’t be used to configure the watch.

Since the Apple Watch uses the Apple ID connected with the device, you must also use your own iPhone. As long as Apple still supports it, any old iPhone will work. You cannot use your friend’s iPhone to set up the watch.

Be careful to switch off your Android phone before configuring your watch’s cellular connection. To get the best results, use your main iPhone SIM card when doing this operation.

Install all of your favorite applications on your Apple Watch once you’ve linked and set it up.

The good news is that you don’t need your iPhone to download new applications from the App Store to your Apple Watch. You’ll also get alerts from applications that don’t need an iPhone, such as iMessage, to alert you to messages.

To use many watchOS applications, you’ll need to pair your watch with your iPhone. In addition, you won’t be able to utilize many of the watch’s applications or get any alerts from them if you use a GPS-only Apple Watch.

In addition to helping the wristwatch get quicker GPS locks, having a cellular connection will also make it easier for it to monitor outside activities. Depending on your mobile service provider, you may have to pay an additional fee to use the watch’s cellular data connection.

Use Your Apple Watch and Android Device Simultaneously

It’s now possible to wear your Apple Watch and utilize it with your Android phone. As a result, you won’t be able to get alerts on your Apple Watch from your Android phone.

Only applications that need an internet/LTE connection may run on the wristwatch. Track your daily steps exercise regimens and stream music to your headphones through the watch with this set-up.

When you need to sync data from your Apple Watch to your iPhone, you’ll need to connect it to your phone. This is also required for the most recent watchOS upgrade on the wearable device.

Apple Watch and Android Compatibility

Apple Watch and Android Compatibility

To get the Apple Watch to function on Android, you’ll need to follow the outlined steps. Even if it is less than ideal, Apple Watch’s health monitoring functions can still be used despite this. Because of Apple’s strict control over its ecosystem, this is unlikely to alter in the future.

For Android users, there is a slew of alternative smartwatches to consider, but they all fall short of the Apple Watch in some respects.

How to Connect an Apple Watch and Android Phone

First, connect your Apple Watch to the iPhone you’ve chosen. You’ll first need an iPhone to get the Apple Watch up and running.

Steps to follow when your Apple Watch is ready are below.

1. Take a deep breath and shut off your phone, tablet, and watch.

2. Remove your iPhone’s SIM card using the SIM card tool (or a paperclip if you don’t have one).

2. Remove your iPhone's SIM card using the SIM card tool (or a paperclip if you don't have one).

3. Turn on your Android phone and insert your iPhone SIM card.

3. Turn on your Android phone and insert your iPhone SIM card.

4. The Apple Watch may be switched on once your Android phone is turned on and linked to your mobile service provider. If you’re using an Apple Watch, you’ll notice that your Android phone is linked to your carrier.

5. Despite using an Android phone as your main device, you may now start receiving calls and more on your Apple Watch.

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If you’re considering purchasing an Apple Watch but are worried about compatibility with your Android device, never fear! The Apple Watch is designed to work with both iOS and Android devices.

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