Are VR Headsets Worth it 2022? Top Full Answer Here!

Are VR headsets worth it? This question has been asked a lot lately, with the release of several high-end VR headsets. While technology is still in its early stages, many people believe that VR is the future of entertainment. So, the answer to that question depends on your needs and wants.

What Kind of Games Are Available on VR?

What Kind of Games Are Available on VR

There are many gaming experiences that you can choose from, but VR games that allow players to experience real-world simulations or fantasy worlds are the best.

These are some of the most popular VR games:

  • Arizona Sunshine – Your mission is to rescue your character from the zombie-infested Wild West.
  • Batman – Arkham VR- Get immersed in the Dark Knight Universe and discover what it takes to be the legendary Batman.
  • Beat Saber – Think Dance Dance Revolution meets Star Wars. You can jam out to music and chop color-coded blocks to the beat of your favorite song.
  • Half-Life – Alyx – As Alyx Vance, you have the mission of capturing a superweapon from your arch-nemesis. You can use combat, puzzles, and exploration to accomplish this task.
  • Lucky’s Tale – Similar to the original Crash Bandicoot, you’ll be playing as Lucky’s Tale to complete exciting challenges.

Should You Buy The Oculus VR Headset?

Oculus VR headsets have enhanced environments with smooth textures and more precise colors than previous models. The latest Oculus VR headsets and software make it possible to explore virtually any virtual reality environment.

There are two options: the untethered Oculus Rift S or the tethered Oculus Rift 2. The Oculus Rift S headset allows you to have a complete experience with no limitations on the area you can use. The Oculus RiftS, a PC-powered headset, presents vivid, virtual reality environments in bright, vivid colors.

These headsets were tested in various VR environments. We rated their versatility, ease of use, and value.

This is everything you need about the Oculus VR headsets.

How Does The Oculus VR Headset Work?

How Does The Oculus VR Headset Work

Oculus VR headsets project built-in audio and visual situations while blocking external light and sound. It tricks your senses into thinking you’re in another place without ever leaving your own home. The headset projects a virtual world that you can only see and hear.

The Rift S and Quest 2 have headphone jacks so that you can wear your favorite headphones while gaming. Both headsets have touch controllers that allow you to interact and interact with the virtual world. Facebook, the developer of Oculus VR headsets, is currently developing haptic gloves which may allow you to touch objects in these virtual environments.

How Much Do VR Headsets Cost?

There are many price points for VR headsets. They can be as low as $100 to $300 or as high up to $1,000. Prices vary depending on technology and features.

Affordable VR Headsets

Oculus recently released a new, affordable VR console called the Oculus Quest 2. It is just $300 and works wirelessly with any Android-based operating system. You can also purchase the Iron Man VR bundle from Playstation. It costs less than $350.

Other VR headsets are also available for less than $200. These headsets can be used with smartphones only.

High-End VR Headsets

You can upgrade to higher-end devices and get advanced features like motion tracking, high resolution, and stunning graphics. These headsets are more comfortable and reduce your chance of getting motion sickness. But, you will pay more for these features.

The HTC Vive is a high-end VR headset that can be purchased for $500 to $1,000, depending on the model. Some popular headsets have been discontinued, such as Oculus Rift. Make sure to do your research before you make your purchase.

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Pros of VR Headsets

The VR headsets are a powerful tool for digital entertainment that offers a variety of amazing features. Modern VR headsets allow you to explore virtual space and solve three-dimensional puzzles.

The pros of using VR headsets:

  • Real-life scenarios are reproduced using high-quality CGI and high refresh rates.
  • It offers a controlled and safe gaming environment.
  • Some products have a lot of value.
  • Complex problems and real-life issues can be simplified.
  • For most users, innovative and fun
  • There are very few risks.
  • It can be used to create immersive and interactive workouts.

Cons of VR Headsets

Although there are many benefits to wearing a VR headset, it is important to recognize the limitations.

The cons of using VR headsets:

  • High-quality VR devices can be expensive.
  • For a truly immersive VR experience, you will need to invest in a higher-end device (under $100).
  • Many games can still be played single-player.
  • May cause motion sickness, dizziness, or eye strain
  • The headset can become sweaty, causing discomfort and fog.

What’s the Difference Between Tethered and Untethered Headsets?

The cost of a VR headset will depend on whether it is tethered or untethered. Let’s examine why this is so.

Tethered VR Headsets

A tethered headset requires a cable connection (such as an HDMI cord) to transmit displays between devices, such as a computer or a console. Tethered VR headsets provide a better VR experience than untethered ones due to the superior processing power of gaming consoles and PCs.

The Oculus Rift, HTC VIVE, and Playstation VR are popular tethered models. These models can be controlled using accessory hand controls/gamepads.

Untethered Mobile VR Headsets

The untethered VR headset is for those who want a VR headset that can be used with any smartphone. These headsets can be used wirelessly to provide an immersive experience that isn’t dependent on a computer or gaming console. Untethered VR headsets are simpler and therefore more affordable.

Oculus Quest 2 (now discontinued) and Samsung Gear VR (now in production) are two examples of popular untethered models. These models can be controlled via Bluetooth or headset buttons.

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Is VR Bad for Your Eyes?

Our brains are forced into a new way of processing visual stimuli when we wear a VR headset. VR headsets can cause blurry vision, fatigue, and discomfort in as little as 40 minutes. Healthy VR habits can reduce the symptoms of eye strain.

Here are some ways to avoid eye strain:

  • Place your device so it fits comfortably on your face.
  • To reduce brightness and image sharpness, calibrate the display settings.
  • Play often and blink often
  • Take a break every 15-20 minutes to relieve eye strain symptoms.
  • When the headset is off, massage your temples and eyes.

Are Virtual Reality Headsets Worth Buying Right Now?

VR headsets offer a truly immersive virtual reality experience, whether gaming or training. You don’t have to be a serious gamer to get the best out of your headset.

Many fun and creative games offer everything, from quick-paced adventures to relaxed virtual excursions. The popularity and affordability of VR headsets will continue to rise, so you’ll soon have more options for content and games.

What are the benefits of having a VR headset?


  • Virtual reality allows people to travel to other places around the globe and beyond, including the South Pole and the Moon.
  • VR allows users to see the world in a way they have never experienced before.
  • Virtual reality allows people to experience things in a way they have never experienced before, and it can be addictive.

Will I lose weight playing VR?

You can also lose weight using VR, just like any other exercise that activates the body. … The best way to lose weight is by changing your diet.

Can you get fit in VR?

For the past few years, we have tried nearly every VR game. These eight VR games are our top picks for combining exercise and play. You need a compatible headset and space to move around.


VR headsets are becoming more and more popular for a good reason. They offer a wealth of benefits that traditional screens can’t match.

VR headsets provide an immersive experience that can take you anywhere in the world or even to other dimensions. They also allow you to interact with your surroundings, which isn’t possible with traditional screens. Thanks for reading!

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